Hustler Vs Nancy

- WWE is continuing to tout its stock value despite the downturn in wall street. ” In spite of the challenging environment, World Wrestling Entertainment(R)’s stock has only lost 7% of its value year to date, whereas the S&P 500 has lost over 32%. This performance is in addition to WWE’s 10.5% dividend yield.”

People are attributing JBL’s promo about the bail out because WWE feels they aren’t getting praised for how well their stock is doing.

- According to the Nancy Benoit Hustler pictures that were released in the wake of the Benoit tragedy, which sparked a lawsuit from Nacy’s parents who claim she never intended them to be printed was dismissed by U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Thrash in Atlanta, Georgia yesterday when Thrash ruled that photos taken in 1983 of a young Nancy being published by the magazine fell under Freedom of the Press, as her murder was “a legitimate matter of public interest and concern”.

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